Global Health Initiatives

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Global Healthcare SIG

The Irish College of GPs Global Healthcare SIG builds on the interest and experience of GPs and their practice teams who have already engaged in global health.

Global health has grown from the disciplines of tropical medicine, public health and international health. It emphasises the need to improve health and achieve equity in health for all people worldwide. It also reflects the fact that the world from a health and economic perspective is changing and that the health of someone in a low income country is as likely to be affected by diabetes and hypertension as it is by a tropical disease! The Irish College of GPs Global Health Group focuses on improving the health of those living in low and middle income countries (LMIC) previously known as the developing world. 

The College will lend its expertise in training and research, and the improvement of medical care for people with multimorbidities in a similar manner as other Irish Medical Postgraduate Training Bodies, who have run sustained, scaled programmes of education and research; develop initiatives and collaborations with relevant agencies, and as appropriate with the other training bodies.

If you or any of your practice team are interested, please Contact Us. In particular, we are especially interested in hearing your views or ideas on any other elements this programme should include, and any practical experience you may have had.