Background & Governance

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Welcome to the Irish College of GPs

The Irish College of GPs is the professional body for general practice in Ireland, with over 5,100 GP members. Our purpose is to encourage, foster and maintain the highest possible standards in general medical practice. Since our foundation in 1984, we have remained committed to the education and training of GPs, enhancing their skills, competencies, and professionalism. We are dedicated to general practice education, training, research, and advocacy on behalf of the profession and patients.

Medicine is constantly evolving, and continuing professional development and education are lifelong commitments for all doctors. We support GPs throughout their professional careers in the practice of evidence-based medicine to the highest standard. We do this through the delivery of training programmes, courses, clinical guidance, and research.

The college is accredited by the Medical Council as the postgraduate training body (PGTB) responsible for the delivery and governance of general practice training for the specialty of general practice. Our National General Practice Training Programme currently provides training for more than 900 trainees, and we anticipate that this number will increase to 1,250 by 2026.

At an international level, the college is a member of the World Organisation of National Colleges and Academies and Academic Associations of General Practice (WONCA).