MICGP Examiner Panel

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Applying for the MICGP Examiner Panel

When open for recruitment, suitably qualified GPs may apply to become an MICGP Examiner via the Examiner Application Portal

Applications that meet the minimum criteria will be reviewed by the MICGP Examinations Subcommittee once the application window has closed. Successful applicants will then be invited to attend the next appropriate MICGP Examiner Workshop.

Please note that new examiners must have completed one workshop and observed at least one sitting of the exam prior to commencing active assessment duties.

MICGP Examiner Panel Demographics

It is the policy of the Irish College of GPs for the MICGP Examiner Panel to reflect all types of Irish General Practice (full-time, part-time, and academic).

Appointments will therefore be made in line with panel requirements, and not all suitable applicants will be appointed to the MICGP Examiner Panel. In the instance where there is not an identifiable vacant position, successful applicants will be added to a reserve panel for appointment at a future date.

Minimum Criteria for Application – Stage 1

At a minimum, applicants must fulfil the following criteria:

  • A member of the Specialist Register under the discipline of General Practice with the Irish Medical Council or hold active registration on the GMC GP Register. Applicants must upload a copy of their registration as part of the applicant process.
  • Registered on a Professional Competence Scheme and PCS compliant.
  • In active clinical practice for a minimum period of four years post qualification (or equivalent)
  • Holder of MICGP/MRCGP or recognised equivalent:
    • Holders of MICGP must be full Members (applicants cannot be accepted from Associate members) in professional and financial good standing.
    • Holders of MRCGP or equivalent will be required to submit a Letter or Certificate of Good Standing in addition to their Membership Certification as part of the application process.
  • Working at least four clinical sessions per week in face to face general practice, for a minimum of 75% of the calendar year. Work exclusively conducted in online consultation with patients will  not count towards the  necessary GP experience requirement.
    • Please note OOH/Specialist Practice (e.g. Women's Health Clinic/Prison Medicine can only be taken into account for 25% of the total amount of clinical practice experience)
  • Experience in medical training/teaching/assessment at either undergraduate/postgraduate/specialist training is desirable but not essential

Applications are welcomed from candidates across a wide diversity of experience and background.

Assessment – Stage 2

Applicants deemed eligible by the MICGP Exam Sub-Committee will be invited to take part in assessment activities (paper-based and/or workshops) relevant to the current panel requirements.


Group cohesiveness and collegiality underpins much of the work completed by the MICGP Examiner Panel. Therefore, the ability to work well in a group setting in a respectful and professional manner with fellow examiners and administrative staff is a core requirement for an MICGP Examiner. This will be assessed through the application process and during the probationary period.


Following the completion of assessment stage, all applications will be reviewed by the MICGP Examinations Sub-Committee and appointments will be made in line with panel needs. In some instances, not all successful applicants will be appointed. If this occurs, those applicants will be added to an approved list until a suitable post occurs on the MICGP Examiner Panel.

Probationary Period

Successful applicants will be offered a probationary contract of one year's duration. On completion of this probationary year, examiner participation and contribution will be reviewed by the MICGP Examinations Sub-Committee. Please note that re-appointment at the end of that one year probationary period is not guaranteed.