Candidates must complete a short online application form through the Defence Forces Candidate Manager. This is submitted directly to the Defence Forces Human Resources Section. All candidates must complete this section of the application by the closing date specified. Candidates must also have read and accepted the associated Terms and Conditions (available to download in the Documents section on this page) prior to application submission.
Candidates will be provided with relevant information and documentation such as conditions governing the appointment of trainees in Military Medicine in the Defence Forces (2016); Defence Forces fitness testing standards.
Candidates are invited to declare, in good faith, their eligibility for further consideration in the application process.
Defence Organisation administration
A list of candidates who meet the minimum criteria set by the Irish College of GPs will be supplied by the FMMI to the Defence Forces. The Defence Forces will cross-reference this list with the list of applicants it has received through the Candidate Manager; those that meet the eligibility criteria of both organisations will be short-listed for interview.
Candidates are further advised of the subsequent screening and interview process and are provided with any necessary documentation to complete in advance.