Network of Establishing GPs

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About the Network of Establishing GPs

The Irish College of GPs Network of Establishing GPs (NEGs) Programme provides a suite of supports and services to establishing College members. Members of the Irish College of GPs  are considered to be NEGs members from the fourth year of training until five years after the date of graduation. Other Members who wish to be involved in NEGs may contact the NEGs administrator to become a part of NEGs.

The aim of the Irish College of GPs NEGs is to support establishing members and foster active involvement in College.

Aims and Objectives of the NEGs Programme

The NEGs Programme is constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of establishing members of the Irish College of GPs. Its overarching aims are:

  • To identify on an ongoing basis the ever-changing needs of establishing College members, to make recommendations to the College as to how these needs can be catered for by the ICGP, and to try and ensure recommendations are implemented.
  • To encourage involvement in and contribution to College activities by senior trainees and establishing members and address barriers to participation by establishing GPs in the Irish College of GPs.

The NEGs director also has a number of clearly defined roles including:

  • To update and promote the NEGs section on the Irish College of GPs website.
  • To review and keep up to date information for establishing GPs including the Signposts to Success handbook for the establishing GP.
  • To organise a twice yearly nationwide series of regional meetings for NEGs and act as convenor for the annual Irish College of GPs winter meeting.
  • To co-ordinate involvement of Irish establishing GPs in European structures including the European Young Family Doctors Movement.
  • To represent establishing members of the College on the Irish College of GPs Council, the Membership Services Committee and the Project Directors Group.
  • To act on behalf of the Irish College of GPs as the Irish representative to the European Young Family Doctors Movement Council.

Structure of Programme

The NEGs Programme is managed by a programme director with input from a steering group comprised of regional representatives and European Young Family Doctors Movement liaisons. The regional representatives host the twice-yearly regional NEGs meetings, which take place in the second half of March and again in the second half of October. These meeting cover topics of interest to establishing GPs, provide a social networking opportunity, and are also a conduit of communication between establishing GPs, the Steering Group and the NEGs programme director.

One of the crucial roles of the programme director is to communicate issues raised by NEGs to the Irish College of GPs. To facilitate this, the NEGs director is co-opted onto the Irish College of GPs Council and is a member of both the Membership Services Committee and Project Directors Group.

Get Involved

Director of NEGs: Dr. Alina Zidaru
Administrator: Ms Michelle Dodd

The NEGs Programme is always seeking new steering group members. The commitment is minimal and often enjoyable. If you think you may be interested, please contact Michelle Dodd, NEGs Programme Administrator through our Contact Us page.

Signposts to Success - Currently Under Review

This handbook as a practical point of reference for newly established GPs, it is currently being reviewed and updated, the document below will remain available for reference until the updated version is published. Each chapter informs the reader of various non-clinical aspects of practicing as a GP in Ireland. The intention of this resource is to serve as a useful guide to the business and organisational skills needed in general practice. It will also, hopefully, help newly established GPs avoid pitfalls and ensure an easier transition into the field of general practice.

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