NEGS Career Day
The Irish College of GPs Network of Establishing GPs (NEGs) Programme provides a suite of supports and services to establishing College members. Members of the Irish College of GPs are considered to be NEGs members from the fourth year of training until five years after the date of graduation.
- Virtual Conference 10.00 am to 13.00 pm
- Complimentary for NEGS Members - PCS Enrolees 50EUR
- Registration closes COB March 28
- 03 Credits / 0.5 GMS Study Leave
- Register to attend
Scheme Directing Teams Educational Meeting - Spring
Wednesday, 09 & Thursday, 10 April – Strand Hotel, Limerick
Registration Open Soon
Trainee Equity Diversity Inclusion (TEDI) Workshop
Wednesday, 30 and Thursday, 31 July – Sheraton Hotel, Athlone
Incoming IMG Trainees will be invited to register for 1 of the above dates shortly.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Course
Autumn – Date TBC
Incoming RPL Trainees will be invited to attend shortly
Scheme Directing Teams Educational Meeting – Autumn
Date tbc
Network of GP Trainees Conference
Thursday, 13 & Friday, 14 November - Clayton Hotel Silver Springs Cork
MICGP Graduation
Saturday, 01 November – The Round Room at the Mansion House, Dublin
Graduates are allowed 2 guests maximum.