Lifelong Learning & PCS
Record your CPD credits & audit activity by Wednesday, 30 April.
ePortfolio Login
Training & Assessment
The new GP trainee eportfolio is designed to be the consolidated source of all evidence and information leading CSCST. This trainee led platform will provide a streamlined interface to increase clarity for trainees and schemes on learning progress
Trainee eportfolio
Clinical Hub
Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) are now known as General Practice Updates (GPUs).
View General Practice Updates
Explore the College
Purchase the recently published history of Irish general practice book, written by Michael Hanna for the College.
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The new GP trainee eportfolio is designed to be the consolidated source of all evidence and information leading CSCST. This trainee led platform will provide a streamlined interface to increase clarity for trainees and schemes on learning progress.
The Women's Health Programme aims to provide high quality educational opportunities in women's health topics for GPs, practice nurses and other healthcare professionals in a timely manner that are accessible, applicable, responsive and relevant to day-to-day workload.
Answers to some frequently asked questions regarding the women's health educational programme at the Irish College of GPs.