Better Safer Prescribing Certificate

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About Better Safer Prescribing Certificate

The Better Safer Prescribing course deals with the complexity of therapeutics, signposting to specific resources of most benefit for doctor and patient alike. Topics will address the need to reduce unnecessary medication burden, adverse drug reactions and interactions leading to positive outcomes for patients. The modular approach provides a GP friendly and accessible platform with an option to complete the entire course or to choose specific modules during the year. Each module attracts 4 CPD credits and 0.5 day GMS study leave. 

Course fees

  • Members €750
  • Non-members €1200

Fee per module

  • Members €150
  • Non-members €230

Course Director: Dr Naomi Johnson
Course Co-ordinator: Education Department, Irish College of GPs

If you need further information, please Contact Us

Course duration

The course will commence on 09 October 2024 and run one module per month until Wednesday 26 March 2025. Pre-reading and other eLearning content will be available online when each module opens. In each module, participants are expected to attend a live Q&A session which will generally be held at 8pm on a Wednesday, as per the live Q&A  session schedule. 

How do I apply?

Participants will have the option to complete the entire course or to choose specific modules during the year. 

  • GPs and GP Trainees registration- Registration closes at 5pm on Tuesday 08 October 2024
  • Admission deadlines and further information for each module are available in the next section on this page

Course modules and content

  • Essential daily medication safety for commonly prescribed drugs. Topics to include the following:

    • Identification of commonly prescribed medications with the potential to cause harm 
    • Improve safety and efficiency in your daily prescribing 
    • Medications requiring monitoring 
    • Essential information on > 15 medications

    Module dates:

    • Module Opens: Wednesday 9 October 2024
    • Live Zoom Session: Wednesday 23 October 2024
    • Registration for this module, closes on Tuesday, 8 October 2024 at 5pm
  • Topics to include the following:

    • How to avoid adverse drug reactions in your prescribing
    • Early identification of adverse drug reactions 
    • Management of adverse drug reactions when they occur
    • Understanding prescribing cascades in General Practice

    Module dates:

    • Module Opens: Wednesday 6 November 2024
    • Live Zoom Session: Wednesday 20 November 2024 8pm
    • Registration for this module, closes on Tuesday 5 November 2024 at 5pm
  • Topics to include the following:

    • Opiate essentials including indications, contraindications, appropriate commencing and prescribing of opiates, relative strengths and management of side effects
    • Red flags for opiate addiction and managing the consultation where opiate addiction is suspected
    • Reducing / stopping opiates 
    • Safety concerns around Pregabalin and Gabapentin 
    • Essential medication safety when dealing with benzodiazepines and Z Drugs

    Module dates:

    • Module Opens: Wednesday, 04 December 2024
    • Live Zoom Session: Wednesday 18 December 2024 8pm
    • Registration for this module, closes on Tuesday, 3 December 2024 at 5pm
  • Topics to include the following:

    • Identifying polypharmacy and understanding its implications in everyday practice
    • General Practice based approach to deprescribing

    Module dates:

    • Module Opens: Wednesday 8 January 2025
    • Live Zoom Session: Wednesday 22 January 2025 8pm
    • Registration for this module, closes on Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 5pm
  • How to Say 'No' to inappropriate requests; How to say 'Yes' to Quality Improvement! Topics to include the following:

    • How to communicate with patients around medication issues 
    • Misunderstandings around the potential benefits of medication
    • Understanding treatment burden and patient priorities 
    • Learning to say no to inappropriate prescription requests
    • How to incorporate quality improvement into prescribing practice

    Module dates:

    • Module Opens: Wednesday 5 February 2025
    • Live Zoom Session: Wednesday 26 February 2025 8pm
    • Registration for this module, closes on Tuesday 4 February 2025 at 5pm
  • Topics to include the following:

    • Prescribing in patients with renal impairment and renal failure 13
    • Prescribing tips for common cardiology drugs 
    • Medications affecting the QT Interval 
    • Prescribing considerations in patients with heart failure
    • Boost your confidence in prescribing in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

    Module dates:

    • Module Opens: Wednesday 12 March 2025
    • Live Zoom Session: Wednesday 26 March 2024 8pm
    • Registration for this module, closes on Tuesday, 11 March 2025 at 5pm

More information about this course

Who is this course suitable for?
All GPs who wish to increase their learning in therapeutics; GPs in training who wish to augment their training in this area of interest

How will it be taught?

  • Pre-module and post-module learning needs assessment
  • A blend of pre-module reading and viewing of recorded content
  • Live interactive webinar including Q&A with subject matter experts
  • Participants will be expected to post anonymised clinical cases for discussion via a moderated discussion forum
  • Participants have the option to post, review, and participate in anonymised clinical cases via a moderated discussion forum. 

What will I learn?
The course will provide evidence-based knowledge on therapeutics in primary care and aims to assist GPs with improving safety and efficiency in daily prescribing, managing adverse drug reactions, opiate essentials, polypharmacy, deprescribing, communication with patients around medication issues and prescribing in patients with renal impairment, renal failure and heart issues.

Participants will receive evidence-based learning on best practice and signposting to relevant guidelines.

Learning assessments needs will be addressed through pre course and post course learning needs.

How will the course/module be assessed?

  • Attendance at live Q & A sessions
  • Pre course and post course learning needs assessments
  • Participation in discussions board
  • Audit/quality improvement project*

*Participants may use their learning from the course to complete an audit/quality improvement project that meets this requirement for PCS in 2024 – 2025; this is not a mandatory requirement for the course itself.