Dermatology in Practice Certificate

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About Dermatology in Practice Certificate

This interactive, blended and modular course is designed for GPs to provide a sound understanding of common dermatological presentations in general practice and enable the successful management of patients' dermatological problems. You can choose to complete the entire course or specific module groups. Module 1 can be completed as a standalone module. No other modules are available for individual booking.

Each module attracts 4 CPD credits and 0.5 day GMS study leave.

Each module is facilitated by a GP and a consultant dermatologist. In addition, the introduction and the inflammatory dermatoses modules have an advanced dermatology nurse practitioner facilitating and sharing their tips and expertise. 

We will use a variety of educational formats including infographics, high res tool, recordings, pre module MCQs, discussion boards and live webinars with interactive case based question and answer sessions.

The course is aligned with the Dermatology National Clinical Programme (NCP) objectives and with the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP).

Course fees

Full course

  • Member - €850
  • Non Member - €1,300

Fee Module 1: Dermatology Introduction and Topical Therapies

  • Member - €120
  • Non Member- €200

Fee Modules 2 & 3: Pigmented and Non-Pigmented Lesions

  • Members - €240
  • Non-Member - €400

Fee Module 4 & 5: Dermatology in Demographic Subgroups 

  • Members - €240
  • Non-Member - €400

Fee Modules 6, 7 & 8: Inflammatory Dermatosis

  • Members         €360
  • Non-Members    €600

Course Director: Dr Siobhán Twohig
Course Co-ordinator: Education Department, ICGP
For further information, please contact us 

Course duration

The course will commence on Tuesday, 08 of October 2024, and we will run one module per month until Tuesday, 27 of May 2025. 

Pre-reading and other eLearning content will be available on the launch date of each module. Participants are expected to watch the pre-recorded content prior to attending the live Zoom Webinar Q&A session at the end of each module, which will generally be held at 8pm on a Tuesday evening.

Each module will contain approximately 2 hours of pre-recorded videos, a 1 hour live Zoom Webinar Q&A session, pre and post module MCQ assessments and 1 hour of additional reading materials. 

CPD is awarded upon completion of the required module completion activities. 
•    Attendance at the live interactive webinar including Q&A
•    Achieve a pass grade in the post module Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
•    View/review/participate in the discussion boards

How do I apply?

Application details for the module groups are available in the next section of this page below.


  • This module will cover: Tips in taking a dermatology history and an introduction to the terminology used to best describe examination findings. An introduction to emollients & useful dressings to optimize care. When and how to prescribe antihistamines, history taking and management options available in chronic urticaria, overview of topical therapies in primary care and cryotherapy.

    • Module Opens: Tuesday, 08 October 2024
    • Live Zoom Session: Tuesday, 22 October at 8pm
    • Registration for this module, closes on Monday, 07 October 2024 at 5pm
  • Module 2: How to approach Non-Pigmented Skin Lesions in Primary Care

    This module will cover: How to approach non pigmented lesions. When and how to manage benign non pigmented lesions. How to approach non melanoma skin cancer in primary care. Management of non-melanoma skin cancer in primary care. A discussion on further management of non melanoma skin cancer available in secondary care.

    • Module Opens: Tuesday, 05 November 2024
    • Live Zoom Session: Tuesday, 19 November at 8pm

    Module 3: How to approach Pigmented Skin Lesions

    This module will cover: How to approach non melanocytic pigmented lesions in primary care. How to approach pigmented lesions in primary care. A discussion on therapies available in secondary care and referral pathways. Discussion on sun safety and skin cancer prevention.

    • Module Opens:     Tuesday, 03 December 2024
    • Live Zoom Session: Tuesday, 17 December at 8pm

    Registration for this group of modules, closes on Monday, 04 November 2024 at 5pm

  • Module 4: Acne, Adolescent Skin and Skin of Colour
    This module will cover: How to optimize management of acne in primary care. An introduction to skin of colour. Discussion on common presenting conditions including hyper & hypopigmentation. 

    • Module Opens: Tuesday, 07 January 2025
    • Live Zoom Session: Tuesday, 21 January at 8pm

    Module 5: Paediatric Dermatology
    This module will cover: Vascular anomalies and infantile haemangioma. Common viral infections Common bacterial infections. Common fungal and parasitic infections.
    Atopic dermatitis will be covered separately in module 6.

    • Module Opens: Tuesday, 04 February 2025
    • Live Zoom Session: Tuesday, 25 February at 8pm

    Registration for this group of modules, closes on Monday, 06 January 2025 at 5pm


  • Module 6: Eczema & Contact Dermatitis
    This module will cover: Atopic dermatitis. Contact dermatitis and Occupational skin disease. Napkin dermatitis. Peri-orifical dermatitis. 

    • Module Opens: Tuesday, 11 March 2025
    • Live Zoom Session: Tuesday, 25 March at 8pm

    Module 7: Psoriasis
    This module will cover: Tips in diagnosis and optimizing our management of psoriasis in primary care. An overview of further therapeutic options available in secondary care. Case discussion. 

    • Module Opens: Tuesday, 08 April 2025
    • Live Zoom Session: Tuesday, 29 April at 8pm

    Module 8: Rosacea and hidradenitis suppurativa
    This module will cover: Recognition and management of Rosacea and Hidradenitis suppurativa in primary care. Discussion on further treatments available in secondary care. How to optimize our management in acute and chronic presentations of hidradenitis suppurativa. 

    • Module Opens: Tuesday, 13 May 2024
    • Live Zoom Session: Tuesday, 27 May at 8pm

    Registration for this group of modules, closes on Monday, 10 March 2025 at 5pm

More information about this course

Who is this course suitable for?
All GPs who wish to increase their learning in dermatology; GPs in training who wish to augment their training in this area of interest; Practice Nurses with an interest in dermatology.

This course has been developed for GP's that are in Practice in Ireland.

How will it be taught?

  • Pre-module and post-module learning needs multiple choice assessment.
  • A blend of pre-module reading and viewing of pre-recorded content.
  • Live interactive webinar including Q&A with subject matter experts.
  • Participants have the option to post, review, and participate in anonymised clinical cases via a moderated discussion forum. 

What will I learn?

  • The course will provide evidence-based knowledge on common dermatology issues in primary care including pigmented lesions; non-pigmented lesions; basal cell cancer (BCC) & squamous cell cancer (SCC) & actinic keratosis; dermatology therapy; acne; psoriasis; eczema & hand dermatitis; rosacea & hidradenitis suppurativa; paediatric dermatology; dermatology in skin of colour
  • Participants will receive evidence-based learning on best practice and signposting to relevant guidelines
  • The course promotes effective communication skills, discusses ethical considerations in the consultation including confidentiality and informed consent, promotes good record keeping and patient-centred care
  • Criteria for referral, investigation and follow up will be highlighted
  • Learning needs will be addressed through pre module MCQs and post module MCQs

How will the course/module be assessed?

  • Live interactive webinar including Q&A attendance.
  • Pre course and post course learning needs assessments
  • Participation in discussion boards
  • Audit/quality improvement project*

*Participants may use their learning from the course to complete an audit/quality improvement project that meets this requirement for PCS in 2024 – 2025; this is not a mandatory requirement for the course itself.