Trainees must complete all elements of the Irish College of GPs assessment process. In addition, trainees will undergo formative and summative assessment of core curriculum learning in Military Medicine.
Military Medicine Formative Assessment
The progress of each trainee is continuously assessed throughout the programme by means of formative assessments, including:
- Workplace-based assessments
- Day release assessments
- Trainee logbook
- Supervisor reports
- Short courses
- Project work
Each assessment ultimately informs a twice-yearly Trainee Progress Report.
Military Medicine Summative Assessment
Block training
Certain modules in the training programme are delivered in short block-training periods that will include summative assessment. These training elements are: Basic Military Training, Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Medicine, Pre-hospital Medicine, Tactical Medicine and Major Incident Management
Endpoint Assessment
Trainees are evaluated by two summative endpoint assessments, undertaken in years four and five of the training programme respectively. The first part of the endpoint assessment is an Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) towards the completion of Year 4. The second part is a Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) early in Year 5.